Skylab Aerial View
Zoom with Slider in RH Margin
Zoom with Slider in RH Margin

This photo is from a recent aerial photo.
The village looked a lot different in 1945.
Namle Huitema (1927-2003) created a map of Bakhuizen
with numbers indicating who lived where around 1940.
Click on the arrows to go through the list for a listing and
cross reference to the numbers on the map.
Number 114 is incorrect.
Pieter and An van der Woude lived there. My family.
I was born on October 4th, 1934 on the Odulphusstraat.

I left the village at the end of June 1945 when my parents
moved to Naaldwijk south of The Hague.
Since then I have been saying a long goodbye to this unique village.
In my mind I have never left Bakhuizen.
I have set up this blog hoping to gather pictures
(maybe anecdotes)
of people who left as well as pictures of Bakhuizen
as it looked before and during my time there.
Additions and comments of folks
who are living in Bakhuizen at the present are most welcome.
Sjoerd van der Woude
currently living in the U.S.A as
George Vanderwoude