It was a three room school.
My room consisted of two classes ( 1st and 2nd).
The teacher was a Miss Tjitske de Jager.
She lived in the village with Sibbele and Arendtje de Jager.
Sibbele de jager was a house painter.
She was born in Koudum and a relative.
It seems it was the custom that Mothers were to bring the first graders to school and sneak a bar of chocolate into the hands of the teacher who would later present it to the new pupil as a "welcome" present.
I refused to let my mother accompany me to school. So she handed me the bar of chocolate with the instruction to give it to the teacher. Shortly after I had been assigned a seat right next to the stove the teacher gave me my bar of chocolate. I got introduced to the games adults play with their children.
I remember a few of the other students. Gelf Bakker from Mirns. Anna Sikkes from Hemelum.
The other two rooms housed three classes in each. Mr (Meester) Bubberman (3,4,5), Mr Twerda (6,7,8).
Other students remembered in subsequent classes up through the 5th grade. Teunis de Leeuw from Hemelum. Rinze Faber from Rijs. "Maaike" a farmers' daughter near de "driesprong" in Rijs. Many of the older children came by bicycle from the neighboring villages the rest walked.
For the most part my time at the elementary school left few impressions. I had a life outside the school. Playing with my friends the Keulen brothers, Wim de Vreeze, Jan Radsma, Harmen de Blaauw, Theo Sikkes and many others.

Mr Schurink retired on August 1st, 1934.

His successor was Mr. Hendrik Twerda from Itens, Friesland.

He wrote many text books pertaining to language and history.
Mr Twerda was also editor of "De Pompeblêdden" (1948-1962).
In addition he lent his talents to the new translation of the Friesian Bible.
Some book titles:
Ferhalen fan en oer de trije Fryslânnen
Koart en klear: Frysk Staverngsboekje
Aldfaers Erf
Fan Fryslâns forline (fertelboek fan de Fryske skiednis, 1968)
Mr. Teun Bubberman
1902 - 1971
In 1922 Mr Bubberman came to Bakhuizen from Rotterdam.
Mr. Bubberman taught Grades 3 through 5 while I attended school.
He left in 1956 for a position as a headmaster at a
Christian School in Godlinze, Province of Groningen.
After his retirement in 1969 Mr Bubberman and his wife
moved to "t Harde on the Veluwe.
He passed away two years later.
Mr Bubberman is to be remembered as
the leader of the Resistance during World War II.