During World War II Pater Schellart was "onder pastoor".

In 1946 he was still in Bakhuizen.
He acquired a license plate for his car/motorcycle on April 19, 1946.
He also rode a motorcycle.
It is not clear if this plate was for a motorcycle or a car.
Googling him I found him listed a listed as a pastor in a parish called:
Sukasari. A place halfway between Jakarta and Bandung in Indonesia.
According to my research he was still there in 1970.
Father Schellart was originally destined for the missions.
WW II aborted that.
He administered the last rites to one of crew of the
American Liberator which crashed on the Cemetery of Mirns in December 1943.
It is unknown when he left Bakhuizen.
Here is a picture of the church he served in Indonesia:

Earlier links on which his name appeared
have been discontinued.